+ [2014-07-11T21:10:55Z] cek so put a button DOWNLOAD PATCH
+ [2014-07-11T21:15:55Z] Epic|Adric anyone have time to help with some problems downloading release assets thru the API using the Python requests module?
+ [2014-07-11T21:35:16Z] dogmatic69_ Hi, I got some changes that I cant get rid of http://i.imgur.com/4PJKd88.png
+ [2014-07-11T21:35:24Z] dogmatic69_ any ideas how to remove these "changes"
+ [2014-07-11T21:36:58Z] offby1 dogmatic69_: see my question in #git

message no. 29074

Posted by Bigpet in #github at 2014-07-11T20:08:18Z

I already reported it, no need to invite more onlookers
+ [2014-07-12T02:51:15Z] alex___ How do I remove a listing under "repositories you have contributed to"
+ [2014-07-12T02:52:39Z] alex___ Anybody
+ [2014-07-12T05:25:37Z] basheba how do I make ssh key for my github please? I'm 1 hour new
+ [2014-07-12T05:39:17Z] yena basheba: open git command-line interface, and ssh-keygen