+ [2014-08-15T22:25:07Z] Dougie187 Are you trying to remove a subdirectory?
+ [2014-08-15T22:26:26Z] Dougie187 Ah, he's getting help in #git anyway
+ [2014-08-15T23:59:13Z] fabe hi could someone maybe help me out
+ [2014-08-15T23:59:29Z] fabe i cant seem to push my commits to my github project

message no. 39736

Posted by poxip in #github at 2014-08-15T10:17:48Z

hi, is it possible on github to add repo, that will.be a copy of existing repository (in example i have repo on heroku/openshift, but i want to share this repo)
+ [2014-08-15T23:59:38Z] fabe https://github.com/F483/chromawallet-proto/
+ [2014-08-16T00:00:19Z] fabe I just get "Everything up-to-date" when i push
+ [2014-08-16T00:00:34Z] fabe but they dont show up in the commits list
+ [2014-08-16T00:21:54Z] jab416171 fabe, did you "git commit" them?
+ [2014-08-16T00:22:08Z] jab416171 fabe, what does git diff origin/master..master show?