+ [2014-08-26T22:04:17Z] tpayne besides deleting it, and re-forking just so you can get the latest from the original master
+ [2014-08-26T23:19:48Z] UserError Does github allow linting bots?
+ [2014-08-26T23:40:32Z] ScottE UserError: I don't think github cares one bit who or what makes changes to your source
+ [2014-08-26T23:56:13Z] honestly github allows all kinds of bots
+ [2014-08-26T23:56:58Z] honestly there are 5 different bots watching some repositories doing linting, CI, automatically setting up stages (whatever that means), etc

message no. 42933

Posted by mybigfriendjo in #github at 2014-08-26T01:08:17Z

as @VxJasonxV expressed
+ [2014-08-27T01:04:16Z] Epitrope is there github-flavored-markdown for milestones?
+ [2014-08-27T01:04:35Z] Epitrope unsees in https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/
+ [2014-08-27T01:17:05Z] UserError ScottE, I meant for everyone else
+ [2014-08-27T05:42:43Z] tarkus Hey. Is there a way to merge a PR manually (i need to make final edits before merging, for example fix code style issues etc.)
+ [2014-08-27T05:58:09Z] svaksha tarkus: you can create a local branch, make changes, then merge to master.