+ [2014-11-01T20:04:35Z] szx and I'm still logged in...
+ [2014-11-01T20:04:42Z] szx weird
+ [2014-11-01T20:06:55Z] Nevik weird indeed
+ [2014-11-01T20:07:07Z] Nevik szx: contact support as luto pointed out. they'll fix you up :)
+ [2014-11-01T21:37:17Z] tejas-manohar https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15459335/why-does-meteor-have-a-gitignore-file - is ".meteor\local" a mistake in the top rated answer here? should it be ".meteor/local"?

message no. 58345

Posted by Sivil in #github at 2014-11-01T16:36:14Z

+ [2014-11-02T00:16:12Z] Ademan Is it possible in markdown to bold/emphasize something in some code/fixed-width text?
+ [2014-11-02T00:34:19Z] juliohm Ademan, you know how to bold text?
+ [2014-11-02T00:34:36Z] juliohm You're asking how to do it inside a code block?
+ [2014-11-02T01:22:10Z] givanse Is it possible to use a custom domain for a single project in an organization?
+ [2014-11-02T01:23:08Z] givanse sub.myorg.com -> organization.github.io/projectname ??? cnames will take until .io