+ [2014-11-08T22:09:59Z] CraigyDavi If you just copy and paste the image into the online editor it should upload them to github's cdn
+ [2014-11-08T22:23:12Z] Remram interesting theory
+ [2014-11-08T22:24:28Z] Remram doesn't work on either Chrome or Firefox though
+ [2014-11-08T22:25:47Z] Remram just tried IE11, no luck
+ [2014-11-08T23:51:14Z] puff Good evening.

message no. 59848

Posted by psgs in #github at 2014-11-08T00:12:21Z

puff, Once you have pushed to the remote GitHub repository, the changes should show up online. Your changes may show up in other developers' local branches if they choose to pull from the remote GitHub repository :)
+ [2014-11-09T01:28:29Z] LeBlaaanc Hey guys... I guess I booboo'd and I'm not sure how to fix it the best way. I submitted a pull request on the master branch from my master branch but I guess I needed to submit it to the develop branch?
+ [2014-11-09T01:28:55Z] LeBlaaanc Any thoughts on how to do that properly? I proceeded to checkout the develop branch but it stays in detached state so that's where I am
+ [2014-11-09T01:29:30Z] LeBlaaanc If you want to read along https://github.com/cviebrock/eloquent-sluggable/pull/74
+ [2014-11-09T01:30:32Z] LeBlaaanc Or is that what they want I wonder? not merged with develop but with master?
+ [2014-11-09T01:49:55Z] success https://github.com/openfootball