+ [2015-01-01T20:32:30Z] Nevik indeed
+ [2015-01-01T20:32:40Z] Nevik it's funny how much people care about that little thing
+ [2015-01-01T20:32:45Z] Nevik on a holiday no less
+ [2015-01-01T23:05:03Z] VxJasonxV it's a wednesday?
+ [2015-01-01T23:45:31Z] HassanCehef it's already Friday in Europe :)

message no. 69641

Posted by Kim in #github at 2015-01-01T14:36:12Z

+ [2015-01-02T04:08:38Z] C1V0 Does Github Pages have built-in support for handlebars templates? If not is there a config or directive I can set that'll load handlebars?
+ [2015-01-02T04:15:36Z] C1V0 aha, nvmd
+ [2015-01-02T04:33:46Z] offby1 idly wonders if "handlebars" has anything to do with "mustache"
+ [2015-01-02T04:35:17Z] offby1 who'd'a thunk
+ [2015-01-02T06:21:18Z] VxJasonxV naming things is fun