+ [2015-01-20T23:41:05Z] David hey guys
+ [2015-01-20T23:41:05Z] David quick question: does github pages support submodules?
+ [2015-01-20T23:41:12Z] David (submodules will also be hosted on github, of course)
+ [2015-01-20T23:49:26Z] David herp derp, https://help.github.com/articles/using-submodules-with-pages/
+ [2015-01-20T23:49:28Z] David forget I asked.

message no. 73908

Posted by north in #github at 2015-01-20T05:42:41Z

Hello, I have generated a static site using pelican on gh-pages. I have waited for almost an hour, but I still can't the page rendered. Also, I have been maintaining another blog with different URL(ofc) using gh-pages. Can that be a problemo ?
+ [2015-01-21T02:09:59Z] milki never forget!
+ [2015-01-21T06:50:09Z] Efreak Any info/ETA on student developer pack approvals? I applied back in November. I'm not in any particular hurry, but the website still says "Your wait time could be a few weeks"
+ [2015-01-21T07:10:44Z] afl_ext Hello, I searched for approbate channel but didn't found any so I will ask this easy question here. I need to help with licensing my software. I used to distrubute everything with MIT but it seems many people overuse it very hardly so - What is the license what is permissive for soft-usage as MIT - BUT! requires the user to explictly say something like 'I use this written by this hosted there' and so people just dont stole my work no more?
+ [2015-01-21T07:18:53Z] milki i dont understand licenses, but i can give you some links
+ [2015-01-21T07:19:07Z] afl_ext I read about it for 2 hours now