+ [2015-02-19T21:02:32Z] drager no problem? :D
+ [2015-02-19T21:02:44Z] Hyphen-ated good job fixing it drager
+ [2015-02-19T21:03:49Z] drager Yeah, magic just thinking about it
+ [2015-02-19T21:03:59Z] satdav how do I setup my github to notifiy on new pushes
+ [2015-02-19T22:26:18Z] tang^ heh... looking to see if anybody used a certain cutting optimization control in their projects and I find a bunch of torrents hosted on github with a cracked version

message no. 80394

Posted by drager in #github at 2015-02-19T20:25:18Z

+ [2015-02-20T00:03:21Z] KingMe I am trying to create my github pages but I am confused with this
+ [2015-02-20T00:03:24Z] KingMe The main event. You'll want to create a file in your site's repository called Gemfile and add the line gem 'github-pages'.
+ [2015-02-20T00:04:15Z] KingMe Do I create a folder called Gemfile? and how do I add the line gem 'github-pages'. ?
+ [2015-02-20T00:24:09Z] offby1 KingMe: you don't create a folder called Gemfile; you create a file with that name. Like the instructions say.
+ [2015-02-20T00:24:14Z] offby1 You add the line by using a text editor.