+ [2015-02-28T02:12:03Z] rbo jk
+ [2015-02-28T02:12:34Z] rbo I would answer that if I knew how myself. but godlike!
+ [2015-02-28T02:12:37Z] rbo goodluck!
+ [2015-02-28T03:04:10Z] VxJasonxV b0nn: what part of it is confusing?

message no. 81658

Posted by rbo in #github at 2015-02-28T02:12:01Z

+ [2015-03-01T08:05:31Z] OnkelTem How to search for a file?
+ [2015-03-01T08:05:39Z] OnkelTem Advanced search doesn't do what I want
+ [2015-03-01T08:05:46Z] OnkelTem Example: alfabank user:yandex-money extension:png
+ [2015-03-01T08:06:15Z] OnkelTem it finds nothing, while there is a file alfabank.png in one of 'yandex-money's repositories