+ [2015-03-01T23:05:35Z] linux_dream anyway :) to remove the invisible branch that I have created, it's git rm nameofbranch ?
+ [2015-03-01T23:06:04Z] Hyphen-ated git branch -d nameofbranch
+ [2015-03-01T23:06:29Z] Hyphen-ated although -D may be necessary if the branch contains unmerged commits that you really do want to throw away
+ [2015-03-01T23:06:52Z] linux_dream apparently it wasn't required

message no. 81754

Posted by NosBit in #github at 2015-03-01T22:40:23Z

what idea?
+ [2015-03-02T00:38:47Z] linux_dream hi guys I'm having some troubles to sync a repository with someone's else
+ [2015-03-02T00:39:05Z] linux_dream I followed the tutorial at https://help.github.com/articles/syncing-a-fork/ but I Get an error in the very last step
+ [2015-03-02T00:39:26Z] offby1_ whats it say
+ [2015-03-02T00:40:39Z] linux_dream git merge upstream/master returns error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge: ....
+ [2015-03-02T00:40:50Z] linux_dream Please move or remove them before you can merge.