+ [2015-03-02T22:30:10Z] iwo then: git push origin AA-watch
+ [2015-03-02T22:32:04Z] t4nk402 iwo... thanks. I think this is exactly what I was trying to do.
+ [2015-03-02T22:53:09Z] ofcan Hi guys!
+ [2015-03-02T22:53:29Z] ofcan I'm trying to host Jekyll on Github pages, but it is not displaying images and links to the blogposts are broken
+ [2015-03-02T22:53:40Z] ofcan here's the link to the SO question > http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28820917/jekyll-on-github-pages-not-displaying-images-and-has-broken-links

message no. 81848

Posted by Hyphen-ated in #github at 2015-03-02T01:09:42Z

is it possible you are working from a different starting point than the master branch you're currently comparing against? try git log and see if the last commit before your work is the same as what you think it should be
+ [2015-03-03T03:45:24Z] invarinat_ in my scala project i have styles folder which contains some third party css files ,
+ [2015-03-03T03:45:47Z] invarinat_ in language statistics of my project i am seeing CSS :(
+ [2015-03-03T03:46:16Z] invarinat_ is there any way to exclude specific files from lang stats ?
+ [2015-03-03T04:13:29Z] jeffreylevesque if i hit 10,000+ contributions, github should plaque my name in their entrance