+ [2015-03-02T22:30:10Z] iwo then: git push origin AA-watch
+ [2015-03-02T22:32:04Z] t4nk402 iwo... thanks. I think this is exactly what I was trying to do.
+ [2015-03-02T22:53:09Z] ofcan Hi guys!
+ [2015-03-02T22:53:29Z] ofcan I'm trying to host Jekyll on Github pages, but it is not displaying images and links to the blogposts are broken
+ [2015-03-02T22:53:40Z] ofcan here's the link to the SO question > http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28820917/jekyll-on-github-pages-not-displaying-images-and-has-broken-links

message no. 81994

Posted by nicksloan in #github at 2015-03-02T21:06:55Z

would it be hard to add search to hub? Seems like searching github would make hub way more useful
+ [2015-03-03T03:45:24Z] invarinat_ in my scala project i have styles folder which contains some third party css files ,
+ [2015-03-03T03:45:47Z] invarinat_ in language statistics of my project i am seeing CSS :(
+ [2015-03-03T03:46:16Z] invarinat_ is there any way to exclude specific files from lang stats ?
+ [2015-03-03T04:13:29Z] jeffreylevesque if i hit 10,000+ contributions, github should plaque my name in their entrance