+[2015-04-30T21:49:04Z]tang^Seven11: you sign up on github if you want to contribute to the massive number of projects already on the service +[2015-04-30T21:49:37Z]kolbeor if you want to create your own project! or if you want to fork some project and run off with it into the sunset! +[2015-04-30T22:35:01Z]rboSeven11, https://try.github.io/ +[2015-04-30T22:35:06Z]rbo:) +[2015-04-30T22:55:00Z]ronhandler
Inlining images in to the README.md -- is this a possibility?
+[2015-05-01T02:11:02Z]mandeepbis there a setting that i have to change in the windows github app to be able to use my text editor to push commits to github? +[2015-05-01T02:12:02Z]disappearedif i create an org, will it have a seperate username and password to that account? +[2015-05-01T02:25:53Z]lethosordisappeared: no +[2015-05-01T02:26:05Z]disappearedlethosor: so what if everyone leaves that org +[2015-05-01T02:26:06Z]disappearedhaha