latest 20 messages by srpx

+ [2016-06-14T19:14:49Z] srpx seems like I had to use personal access tokens instead
+ [2016-06-14T19:06:26Z] srpx I know I know, thanks
+ [2016-06-14T19:06:22Z] srpx I think I'll just disable 2FA for now
+ [2016-06-14T19:06:17Z] srpx isn't there any way I can pull with username/pwd?
+ [2016-06-14T19:06:08Z] srpx and I'm on this machine for yet another emergency bugfix
+ [2016-06-14T19:05:56Z] srpx hmm
+ [2016-06-14T19:05:53Z] srpx he is getting wrecked by other issues and is really busy now :(
+ [2016-06-14T19:05:09Z] srpx I mean not my machine, not my server.
+ [2016-06-14T19:04:57Z] srpx steelnwool: I'd have to change the remote url, correct? I'm not sure I can't do that
+ [2016-06-14T19:04:15Z] srpx what can I do about this?
+ [2016-06-14T19:04:10Z] srpx Basically, I'm unable to pull with my username/password since I enabled 2FA.
+ [2016-06-14T19:03:53Z] srpx But now I'm in another machine and I can't do that.
+ [2016-06-14T19:03:47Z] srpx Last time I had this issue, someone pointed me to change the remote to `` and it worked.
+ [2016-06-14T19:03:32Z] srpx Hey. I still get "Invalid username or password" with the correct password in a repository with remote set as "https://...".
+ [2016-06-13T23:50:56Z] srpx is it possible to move it to another branch
+ [2016-06-13T23:50:52Z] srpx woops, I just made a commit on the wrong branch
+ [2016-06-13T23:23:20Z] srpx Zarthus: you're awesome :)
+ [2016-06-13T23:22:47Z] srpx And thank you very much!
+ [2016-06-13T23:22:38Z] srpx so basically there is a difference between using `git clone` and `git clone`, right?
+ [2016-06-13T23:22:16Z] srpx ok *seems* like all works