+ [2015-06-27T19:51:19Z] dolftax Project pages is what you are looking for.
+ [2015-06-27T20:09:21Z] gambl0re i created a gh-pages branch and everything works...
+ [2015-06-27T20:09:56Z] gambl0re but now how do i create a second gh-pages?
+ [2015-06-27T20:12:04Z] gambl0re user.github.io/gh-page1, user.github.io/gh-page2 etc....if anybody can help me out, please pm me thanks. this is urgent.

message no. 100327

Posted by B1n4r10 in #github at 2015-06-27T03:20:48Z

to clean orig files https://rubygems.org/gems/elasesino
+ [2015-06-28T00:44:27Z] Zren Anyone know a way to walk back through the history in git blame?
+ [2015-06-28T00:44:32Z] Zren Easily that is.
+ [2015-06-28T00:46:01Z] Zren Right now I have to have the file's history open as well to grab the sha of the commit before in order to open the git blame on that sha.
+ [2015-06-28T05:47:50Z] lillian hi, so when merging a pull request, what's the etiquette here in terms of linking, talking about the contributor?
+ [2015-06-28T08:07:53Z] lillian hey some of the content on my gh-pages project page is pretty huge and i don't want people who're only interested in the code having to download the website to... tips?