latest 17 messages by Zren

+ [2016-10-30T16:48:20Z] Zren Ah it's &value=text. Thank you stack overflow
+ [2016-10-30T16:24:15Z] Zren Does anyone know what the query parameter for templating the file contents on /:user/:repo/new/:sha?path=_posts& is?
+ [2015-06-28T21:52:51Z] Zren In case anyone was interested, I wrote this to solve the question I asked yesterday (walk through a git blame history easier)
+ [2015-06-28T21:01:59Z] Zren Oh cool, you can use sha^ in urls.
+ [2015-06-28T00:46:01Z] Zren Right now I have to have the file's history open as well to grab the sha of the commit before in order to open the git blame on that sha.
+ [2015-06-28T00:44:32Z] Zren Easily that is.
+ [2015-06-28T00:44:27Z] Zren Anyone know a way to walk back through the history in git blame?
+ [2014-10-30T16:10:03Z] Zren then do `git merge zren/master`
+ [2014-10-30T16:09:22Z] Zren You can add his remote `git remote add zren git://.....`
+ [2014-10-07T01:11:19Z] Zren Doesn't this also cover everything?
+ [2014-10-07T01:09:22Z] Zren just the regular google api
+ [2014-10-07T01:09:15Z] Zren but it didn't use that module
+ [2014-10-07T01:09:04Z] Zren
+ [2014-10-07T01:09:03Z] Zren REmembered this one
+ [2014-10-07T01:08:58Z] Zren Oh nvm
+ [2014-10-07T01:07:16Z] Zren Eg: codepen ionic google map
+ [2014-10-07T01:07:12Z] Zren fellowsster: Google codepen ionic + search terms