+ [2015-07-17T23:49:12Z] Dscoduc Hey guys, looking for some help with GitHub
+ [2015-07-17T23:49:36Z] Dscoduc trying to pull a list of files from a remote public repo that I can display in a list on my website
+ [2015-07-17T23:50:06Z] Dscoduc I can see the repo using the command curl -i "https://api.github.com/repos/<username>/repo/"
+ [2015-07-17T23:50:29Z] Dscoduc but I can't figure out how to get back a list of the files in that repo...
+ [2015-07-17T23:57:12Z] morenoh151 VxJasonxV: so there are no shortcuts for marking a notification as read?

message no. 103708

Posted by irctc519 in #github at 2015-07-17T05:44:12Z

got solutions here https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/codereview-list/xBsKtm6Qty0
+ [2015-07-17T23:58:52Z] VxJasonxV the shortcut key is ?, you can hit it almost anywhere
+ [2015-07-17T23:59:24Z] VxJasonxV it'll show you the global shortcuts, and any page specific ones
+ [2015-07-18T00:00:28Z] VxJasonxV Dscoduc: https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/contents/#get-contents
+ [2015-07-18T00:02:13Z] Dscoduc I've been reading that for a couple of hours... I've received feedback to try and use "https://api.github.com/repos/dscoduc/PowerShellScripts/git/trees/HEAD"