+ [2015-07-23T21:43:19Z] ayee *shrugs*
+ [2015-07-23T21:43:36Z] yepza There are many problems with GitHub and cache
+ [2015-07-23T21:43:40Z] yepza from what I can tell
+ [2015-07-23T22:31:54Z] Overand If I forked someone's repository, did some commits, sent in a pull request, and they merged it, will I lose the "credit" if I delete my local copy?
+ [2015-07-23T22:50:04Z] Seveas Overand: no.

message no. 104608

Posted by yepza in #github at 2015-07-23T21:31:05Z

oh, yeah.
+ [2015-07-24T06:28:53Z] joshuasgrant So, due to the new CoC does basing a blog's hosting in/on Github very risky now?
+ [2015-07-24T06:29:38Z] joshuasgrant I plan to host via them, I don't intend to write about anything political really ... but I'm a bit suspect that since these things can be abused, they will be abused.
+ [2015-07-24T06:30:17Z] joshuasgrant And since github "pages" is selling it's self pretty hard as of recent, it kinda makes me weary tbh. :^P
+ [2015-07-24T06:31:19Z] joshuasgrant might just go Linode to be safer than sorry. :^P
+ [2015-07-24T06:32:53Z] joshuasgrant That being said, free hosting and a decent assurance that if by some miracle a post gets a decent amount of trafic it doesn't max out my hosting plan for the month or something is a pretty good sell...