+ [2015-07-26T21:35:48Z] CharlesAtum Join #oz and check http://oz.io
+ [2015-07-26T21:37:36Z] RSpliet did github get a new RSA key recently?
+ [2015-07-26T21:38:25Z] RSpliet oh nm, I'm full of fail at the moment

message no. 105265

Posted by spuz in #github at 2015-07-26T21:02:57Z

does anyone know why it's a requirement to make a gh-pages branch an orphan rather than a regular branch of master?
+ [2015-07-27T03:01:13Z] Voyage If I had a 100 line file, git will save the 100 lines initially but if I change 1 line in second commit, it will only save 1 live record of change and not the whole 100 line changed file again. <-- correct?
+ [2015-07-27T04:51:49Z] NewToGit Is IRC still live?
+ [2015-07-27T04:52:09Z] Xe maybe
+ [2015-07-27T04:52:46Z] NewToGit I wonder what is the best choise Git or Tfs