latest 9 messages by spuz

+ [2016-05-11T14:55:46Z] spuz hello, is it possible to search for a file across all the repositories beloning to an organisation?
+ [2016-03-29T11:22:55Z] spuz anyway, it seems the github network view can tell me what i want
+ [2016-03-29T11:22:26Z] spuz but i actually have a git alias that gives the most recent 15 branches
+ [2016-03-29T11:21:59Z] spuz i was hoping to do it without cloning the repo
+ [2016-03-29T11:14:18Z] spuz but the network tab under graphs seems to be useful
+ [2016-03-29T11:14:05Z] spuz tobiasvl: pulse doesn't show anything
+ [2016-03-29T11:07:16Z] spuz hi, I'm trying to figure out which branch my colleague was working on last week, how can I get a view of activity across all branches in a repository?
+ [2015-07-26T21:02:57Z] spuz does anyone know why it's a requirement to make a gh-pages branch an orphan rather than a regular branch of master?
+ [2015-07-25T09:15:01Z] spuz hi, what's the reason that when setting up a gh-pages branch, it must be an orphaned branch rather than a regular branch?