+ [2015-08-03T23:28:39Z] Infininight or I should say the constantly updated state of the branch, not a specific state of it
+ [2015-08-03T23:29:19Z] phx it had some delay from committing to be displayed on the web interface
+ [2015-08-03T23:45:53Z] nkztrn Hello, if I setup an apex A record @ to and for a custom domain, can I still create a CNAME to access another repository?
+ [2015-08-03T23:46:16Z] nkztrn E.g.: "test" CNAME to access the test repository: https://gist.github.com/lanners/d4da808adcee48d85bd6
+ [2015-08-03T23:46:56Z] nkztrn I keep getting a 404 on it :(

message no. 106056

Posted by apipkin in #github at 2015-08-03T20:39:49Z

I am getting an error message that will not go away when I build jekyll with githubpages 37. It says Kramdown is a missing dependency. But when I run `gem install kramdown` it still says it is not found
+ [2015-08-04T01:25:39Z] ezio you know what would be fantastic? if i could just inline edit a file and make a pull request.
+ [2015-08-04T01:25:43Z] ezio :|
+ [2015-08-04T02:56:50Z] tawalton I recently forked a repo and created a branch in the forked repo and pushed the changes, The pull request is being created in the forked repo on github and also on the original repo. git remote -v show the push and fetch origin as the forked version of the repo. Why would the pull request be created in both repos instead of just my forked one?
+ [2015-08-04T03:28:59Z] railswebdev I cannot get around the "Your key was created before GitHub tracked keys" issue when trying to push to my repo. I have re-added my keys but still getting this. Any ideas?
+ [2015-08-04T03:30:54Z] railswebdev hrm, it must have taken some time for my keys to propagate. Just tried again and it worked.