latest 20 messages by apipkin

+ [2015-08-03T20:39:49Z] apipkin I am getting an error message that will not go away when I build jekyll with githubpages 37. It says Kramdown is a missing dependency. But when I run `gem install kramdown` it still says it is not found
+ [2015-08-03T20:35:49Z] apipkin Is this an appropriate place for github pages questions?
+ [2015-08-03T20:32:51Z] apipkin I’m running into a weird issue. I am getting an error `Missing dependency: kramdown` and says I should run `gem install kramdown`. But when I run `gem install kramdown` the error doesn’t go away
+ [2015-04-22T12:58:05Z] apipkin Thanks Seveas! :)
+ [2015-04-22T12:56:49Z] apipkin Anyone working for github in here? I'm wanting to know where they get their stickers printed :)
+ [2015-03-30T21:40:31Z] apipkin Oh that sounds like a good idea :)
+ [2015-03-30T21:26:24Z] apipkin jaybe: yeah, that's all i've been able to find about it. Right now I have a rather large blob of text being collapsed in my editor, but I'd rather that be more manageable if possible :)
+ [2015-03-30T20:39:01Z] apipkin Is it possible to load a file in as raw JSON? So I can get something like <script> var data = ["some","json"]; </script> but still have the file manageable
+ [2015-03-27T21:47:01Z] apipkin Yeah i’m essentially use gulp as a watcher outside of jekyll scope for developing and then jekyll to create/serve up the page as the final step since gh-pages will serve up jekyll just the way we like (usually, haha). I’ll toy around with it and see if I can git something figured out that works well. Thanks for your help, dongding
+ [2015-03-27T21:24:11Z] apipkin would that be more ideal?
+ [2015-03-27T21:22:16Z] apipkin or —config=otherconfig.yml
+ [2015-03-27T21:21:56Z] apipkin I have a baseurl variable I am using, but if I go to build a local vs gh build, is there a way to do something like —baseurl=somevar in the build?
+ [2015-03-27T21:18:51Z] apipkin dongding: yeah. I’m using gulp to do the builds, but since i’m deploying to github enterprise my local url is way different than my production url and gh-pages is getting wildly weird results. So I am hoping we run two different builds and push the gh-pages build to gh-pages instead of letting gh-pages do the building for us
+ [2015-03-27T20:50:55Z] apipkin Is it possible to dynamically change the variable in the config?
+ [2015-03-26T21:02:34Z] apipkin I can't find a reference for building an array in jekyll or liquid
+ [2015-03-26T21:02:13Z] apipkin I'm wanting to populate an array for classnames based on conditions, then print out the classnames in an element. How would I do this?
+ [2015-03-26T18:06:03Z] apipkin XhmikosR: Ah, I was following this
+ [2015-03-26T18:03:10Z] apipkin XhmikosR: Under kramdown: or next to kramdown:?
+ [2015-03-26T17:59:29Z] apipkin XhmikosR: Weird. This is my config: Do you see anything missing?
+ [2015-03-26T17:55:10Z] apipkin which?