+ [2015-08-11T23:17:06Z] jaybe i.e. {% for post in site.posts.notes %} ....
+ [2015-08-11T23:32:20Z] rawtext jaybe: That is how I setup the post-lists loops for each Notes and Links on the main page.
+ [2015-08-11T23:34:58Z] rawtext I'm wondering also how to use something like { if post.categories.links }Output the category name{ endif }
+ [2015-08-11T23:36:19Z] rawtext links are just links no content. maybe I should make a collection for my links? I wish I could add a multiple blogs for my site..
+ [2015-08-11T23:36:36Z] rawtext is adding an extra blog possible?

message no. 107385

Posted by hoverbear in #jekyll at 2015-08-11T21:23:47Z

Hi folks, having trouble with Jekyll... I have a front matter containing `tags:\n - foo\n - bar` and some template containing `<code>{{post.tags}}<code>` which outputs `foobar`... However I cannot loop with it using `{{% for tag in tags %}} {{tag}} {{% endfor %}}`... I just get a blank.
+ [2015-08-12T00:22:56Z] rawtext anyone have any suggestions?
+ [2015-08-12T00:45:00Z] jaybe rawtext, i've done a 'multi-blog' type approach in the past. it was interesting. and it worked; mostly.
+ [2015-08-12T00:45:25Z] jaybe i was frustrated by the inability to specify a custom --include directory
+ [2015-08-12T00:46:00Z] jaybe the multi site referenced and leveraged the parent /master site config- as base config, and also its _layouts/ and such
+ [2015-08-12T00:46:26Z] jaybe individual 'sites' would override the parent _config by calling it's own, after master/parent, thereby overriding things, such as --source and build options