+ [2015-08-13T18:26:33Z] scotchy Hey everyone. So pretty cool Jekyll has Collections for custom content types (similar to Custom Post Types in WP). But I can't find anywhere for custom taxonomies (Tags, Categories). Am I mistaken?
+ [2015-08-13T23:15:50Z] akda5id Quick question: "slug: my-slug" in yaml frontmatter on a post doesn't seem to work as I expect. I would expect it to override tile in my permalink, as the documentation at http://jekyllrb.com/docs/permalinks/ suggests. However, my permalink appears to be based off of the filename of my post in _posts/
+ [2015-08-13T23:16:03Z] akda5id What am I missing?

message no. 107719

Posted by kristian_on_linu in #jekyll at 2015-08-13T00:16:33Z

I have this line: {% include /briefs/{{ member.brief }} %}
+ [2015-08-14T02:06:51Z] akda5id Well, I posted on talk.jekyllrb.com, so reply to me there if you notice this, thanks
+ [2015-08-14T02:07:38Z] akda5id https://talk.jekyllrb.com/t/clarification-on-slug-in-yaml-front-matter-doesnt-seem-to-affect-my-permalinks/1103
+ [2015-08-14T02:50:42Z] fredzvt Hi folks! I'm getting started with Jekyll on Windows and I'm having trouble setting up syntax highlight with rouge.It says: Liquid Exception: cannot load such file -- rouge in _posts/2015-08-13-my-first-post.md
+ [2015-08-14T02:50:46Z] fredzvt Can anyone help?
+ [2015-08-14T02:54:19Z] fredzvt Another info, I'm using the bundle from GitHub and running serve with bundle: 'bundle exec jekyll serve'