+ [2015-08-14T02:07:38Z] akda5id https://talk.jekyllrb.com/t/clarification-on-slug-in-yaml-front-matter-doesnt-seem-to-affect-my-permalinks/1103
+ [2015-08-14T02:50:42Z] fredzvt Hi folks! I'm getting started with Jekyll on Windows and I'm having trouble setting up syntax highlight with rouge.It says: Liquid Exception: cannot load such file -- rouge in _posts/2015-08-13-my-first-post.md
+ [2015-08-14T02:50:46Z] fredzvt Can anyone help?
+ [2015-08-14T02:54:19Z] fredzvt Another info, I'm using the bundle from GitHub and running serve with bundle: 'bundle exec jekyll serve'
+ [2015-08-14T04:25:47Z] techkid6 Uh, I'm trying to use jekyll-hook, but I have a private repo (I know it is third party but I'm really in a bind) how can I authenticate so that git will allow me to pull

message no. 107885

Posted by akda5id in #jekyll at 2015-08-14T02:06:51Z

Well, I posted on talk.jekyllrb.com, so reply to me there if you notice this, thanks
+ [2015-08-15T20:40:30Z] rawtext how do I setup next and previous page links for a collection? It's my portfolio and I'm trying to get each page in my collection to have page navigation links.
+ [2015-08-15T20:41:25Z] rawtext I tried to use the same code from the post nav include that I used and works with my blog. Not working with my collection pages though.
+ [2015-08-15T20:43:51Z] rawtext not sure where to go from here.
+ [2015-08-15T21:00:11Z] rawtext Maybe I should be using pages or posts for my portfolio projects? instead of a collection?
+ [2015-08-15T22:45:31Z] rawtext I found the code to display next-previous links per category. I'll post later how it works.