latest 4 messages by techkid6

+ [2015-08-30T00:39:53Z] techkid6 hey, so is there a way to use a liquid tag as an argument for another liquid tab in jekyll? specifically I'm using a gem to generate geopatterns, could I do something like {% base64_geo_pattern text={{ page.title }} %}?
+ [2015-08-14T04:32:36Z] techkid6 nevermind, I think I have it
+ [2015-08-14T04:30:19Z] techkid6 Hey, I have a script (jekyll-hook) which needs to grab data from my private blog repository, and I thought about using a deploy key. After generating the key, what steps must I take in a script to authenticate with that key?
+ [2015-08-14T04:25:47Z] techkid6 Uh, I'm trying to use jekyll-hook, but I have a private repo (I know it is third party but I'm really in a bind) how can I authenticate so that git will allow me to pull