+ [2015-08-16T21:19:06Z] nedbat sheilong: if you make a local repo, it will be much easier to do what you need to do.
+ [2015-08-16T21:21:26Z] sheilong I just made one
+ [2015-08-16T21:21:29Z] sheilong in my /home
+ [2015-08-16T21:21:42Z] sheilong now I'm trying to remove the origin
+ [2015-08-16T21:21:49Z] sheilong and add another address

message no. 108081

Posted by Cihan in #github at 2015-08-16T05:03:42Z

GitHub Desktop is now available
+ [2015-08-17T05:35:16Z] spanko Hey I was wondering if you guys could help me with a question I have
+ [2015-08-17T05:37:35Z] spanko I am creating a new project that uses functions from a large open source library. What is the proper way to upload this repo should I completely include the library in my code
+ [2015-08-17T05:38:06Z] spanko Or can i reference to it somehow so when the master updates I can merge it to my project
+ [2015-08-17T06:10:07Z] Seveas spanko: dependency management should not be done in the git repo, but in your deployment procedure and/or config management.
+ [2015-08-17T06:14:27Z] spanko ok with submodules?