+ [2015-08-25T12:45:33Z] _rgn versioning or the whole directory?
+ [2015-08-25T12:45:37Z] _rgn rm -rf .git removes git
+ [2015-08-25T18:40:16Z] jfchevrette is there a way I can be notified when a project I have stared create new releases?
+ [2015-08-25T18:42:10Z] Impaloo Does anyone know of a GitHub link parser? (i.e. https://github.com/foo/bar -> foo/bar, https://github.com/foo/bar/issues/321 -> foo/bar#321)
+ [2015-08-25T18:42:16Z] Impaloo Preferably written in JS

message no. 109702

Posted by matthewbe in #github at 2015-08-25T11:01:24Z

china striking again?;(
+ [2015-08-26T00:06:22Z] CharlesAtum Hi, Is there any way to sync changes between a READ.md and a Wikipedia page?
+ [2015-08-26T00:07:12Z] CharlesAtum s/READ.md/GitHub page/
+ [2015-08-26T00:07:44Z] CharlesAtum The use case: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OZ_(Software)
+ [2015-08-26T00:12:13Z] tang^ I think that goes against the policies of wikipedia for editing pages