latest 13 messages by matthewbe

+ [2015-08-25T11:01:24Z] matthewbe china striking again?;(
+ [2014-11-12T08:44:49Z] matthewbe how can I easily find my repositories that don't have a release tag on the last commit?
+ [2014-11-11T18:35:11Z] matthewbe if correct some typos in a doc file or comment, I shouldn't release a new version, right? then how can I move the tag (for the release) to the last commit?
+ [2014-11-11T10:14:00Z] matthewbe I created a github organisation and pushed a new project. However it doesn't appear in front of other comments/issues/small forks I participated on. Basically it's hard to find out I authored a repository. It's a concern just about showing my work, I would have to share the link of the organisation page instead.
+ [2014-09-07T13:35:07Z] matthewbe it's a new feature
+ [2014-09-07T13:34:44Z] matthewbe Nevik, I'm afraid it won't be appreciated
+ [2014-09-07T13:27:26Z] matthewbe before submitting a Pull Request, should I submit an issue to the repository's author? I never suggested something before, so i'm not sure about the preferred way to do it