+ [2015-08-29T20:45:51Z] todd_dsm git submodule update --init --recursive
+ [2015-08-29T20:46:01Z] todd_dsm but nothing was updated; the dates are the same before and after.
+ [2015-08-29T20:46:10Z] todd_dsm How do you update sumbmodules?
+ [2015-08-29T20:46:29Z] todd_dsm also - 'git submodule sync' seems to output expected results.
+ [2015-08-29T22:44:02Z] mijom Hy

message no. 109943

Posted by atralheaven_ in #github at 2015-08-29T06:14:34Z

Hi, I want to use github to host my web page, I've created my account and set up repo for github pages, I can access mypage.github.io and everything works fine, but now I want to upload some files, how can I do it? what is the simplest way?
+ [2015-08-30T02:22:31Z] Polytonic Is there any way to hide "____ starred myuser/myproject" from my feed/dashboard?
+ [2015-08-30T02:22:46Z] Xe don't follow people
+ [2015-08-30T02:22:55Z] Polytonic No, people are starring my projects.
+ [2015-08-30T02:23:43Z] Polytonic And the volume of it has completely nuked the signal to noise ratio of things I'm actually trying to follow.
+ [2015-08-30T02:25:23Z] Polytonic So, no way to suppress stars then? :/