latest 19 messages by todd_dsm

+ [2015-08-29T20:46:29Z] todd_dsm also - 'git submodule sync' seems to output expected results.
+ [2015-08-29T20:46:10Z] todd_dsm How do you update sumbmodules?
+ [2015-08-29T20:46:01Z] todd_dsm but nothing was updated; the dates are the same before and after.
+ [2015-08-29T20:45:51Z] todd_dsm git submodule update --init --recursive
+ [2015-08-29T20:45:37Z] todd_dsm ran the commands: git submodule update --recursive
+ [2015-08-29T20:45:14Z] todd_dsm I found this stack exchange bit:
+ [2015-08-29T20:45:01Z] todd_dsm I need to update all the submodules; it's as simple it sounds
+ [2015-08-29T20:44:48Z] todd_dsm hey all, I have a submodule problem; just as simple as you would think: project/submodule-project
+ [2014-09-05T01:23:10Z] todd_dsm uhh, never mind
+ [2014-09-05T01:19:57Z] todd_dsm is there a way to keep the github markdown from making URLs italic?
+ [2014-09-04T23:40:27Z] todd_dsm Kunda: thank you
+ [2014-09-04T23:40:22Z] todd_dsm one of many 'duh' moments today
+ [2014-09-04T23:40:02Z] todd_dsm ah - so it is. it's almost like they tried to make it easy.
+ [2014-09-04T23:37:21Z] todd_dsm -> resolves to ->
+ [2014-09-04T23:36:44Z] todd_dsm hey guys, how do you create a "raw" page like the one on the project?
+ [2014-08-26T21:33:59Z] todd_dsm well, I don't mind reading. there's a lotta smart people out there that have done everything before me. I'm all about the learning.
+ [2014-08-26T21:31:31Z] todd_dsm jssjr: almost seems like my next 'duh' moment - thank you
+ [2014-08-26T21:30:32Z] todd_dsm Rather, what is a good method for starting out with a project like this?
+ [2014-08-26T21:29:01Z] todd_dsm hey guys I'm having some starter-block issues getting my feet wet with github. Basically, I'd like to backup my vim configuration to github. Doing a 'git init' in the home directory seems like a bad practice. What is a good method for starting out like this?