+ [2015-09-09T20:10:07Z] Nevik i can think of a few ways to work that, but to make meaningful suggestions, it'd help if you could describe your situation in more detail
+ [2015-09-09T20:10:44Z] gamename Nevik: Understood. I'll get more info as I get more into the problem. Thanks, meanwhile. :)
+ [2015-09-09T20:10:53Z] Nevik sure, no problem :)
+ [2015-09-09T20:11:42Z] Nevik and git does indeed work with symlinks pointing to outside the repo
+ [2015-09-09T20:11:45Z] Nevik that's good to know

message no. 111229

Posted by gamename in #github at 2015-09-09T20:00:39Z

hi guys. Frequently, we end up with the same file in several different repos. Generally, they're some kind of config or small utility script. We have multiple examples of this situation. Is there any way to manage 1 find in multiple repos? Or do we just have to get used to applying any needed changed over and over?
+ [2015-09-10T01:19:53Z] ranger81 I made some code change on branch1 and I want to commit and push to all remote branches. Is it possible?
+ [2015-09-10T01:40:04Z] greister how to add other branch to my respository? such as https://github.com/janjiss/rcfiles/tree/master/vim/bundle
+ [2015-09-10T02:28:04Z] Joel I know it's not super related, but in github, is there a way to show everything thats changed from a certain revision all the way up to head?
+ [2015-09-10T02:28:29Z] Joel It's all on the same branch, so the compare view doesn't seem to want to help me