+ [2015-09-09T20:10:07Z] Nevik i can think of a few ways to work that, but to make meaningful suggestions, it'd help if you could describe your situation in more detail
+ [2015-09-09T20:10:44Z] gamename Nevik: Understood. I'll get more info as I get more into the problem. Thanks, meanwhile. :)
+ [2015-09-09T20:10:53Z] Nevik sure, no problem :)
+ [2015-09-09T20:11:42Z] Nevik and git does indeed work with symlinks pointing to outside the repo
+ [2015-09-09T20:11:45Z] Nevik that's good to know

message no. 111264

Posted by gamename in #github at 2015-09-09T20:10:44Z

Nevik: Understood. I'll get more info as I get more into the problem. Thanks, meanwhile. :)
+ [2015-09-10T01:19:53Z] ranger81 I made some code change on branch1 and I want to commit and push to all remote branches. Is it possible?
+ [2015-09-10T01:40:04Z] greister how to add other branch to my respository? such as https://github.com/janjiss/rcfiles/tree/master/vim/bundle
+ [2015-09-10T02:28:04Z] Joel I know it's not super related, but in github, is there a way to show everything thats changed from a certain revision all the way up to head?
+ [2015-09-10T02:28:29Z] Joel It's all on the same branch, so the compare view doesn't seem to want to help me