+ [2015-09-14T23:12:12Z] intracube git push origin new-features
+ [2015-09-14T23:13:20Z] intracube doesn't want to overwrite or change the 'master' on his github account
+ [2015-09-14T23:33:21Z] intracube nvm, just tried git push origin new-features
+ [2015-09-14T23:33:25Z] intracube think I got it

message no. 112003

Posted by zagaza in #github at 2015-09-14T09:40:35Z

hey guys, if I have commited and pushed my wordpress folder, how can I undo all of this and just push one of my themes instead? basically what I am asking is.. how can I remove the root dir and just push a sub-dir
+ [2015-09-15T00:25:04Z] VxJasonxV intracube: you figured it out :)
+ [2015-09-15T00:27:24Z] intracube VxJasonxV: yes, nothing imploded ;)
+ [2015-09-15T03:09:27Z] VxJasonxV lots of people use Travis
+ [2015-09-15T03:16:23Z] milki anyone could be a subset of lots of people, but not necessarily