latest 20 messages by zagaza

+ [2015-10-18T16:31:47Z] zagaza say I want to have a seperate open graph image or g+ image for each of my jekyll pages, is there any good way I can accomplsih that?
+ [2015-10-18T16:31:22Z] zagaza hi guys
+ [2015-09-14T09:44:16Z] zagaza thx
+ [2015-09-14T09:40:35Z] zagaza hey guys, if I have commited and pushed my wordpress folder, how can I undo all of this and just push one of my themes instead? basically what I am asking is.. how can I remove the root dir and just push a sub-dir
+ [2015-06-02T13:51:03Z] zagaza oh ok :)
+ [2015-06-02T13:48:29Z] zagaza you can check out my head here:
+ [2015-06-02T13:48:00Z] zagaza and in config I changed to permalink: /:title
+ [2015-06-02T13:47:49Z] zagaza <meta property="og:url" content="{{ page.url | replace:'index.html','' | prepend: site.baseurl | prepend: site.url }}" />
+ [2015-06-02T13:47:47Z] zagaza I did this
+ [2015-06-02T13:47:23Z] zagaza check it out, my latest post
+ [2015-06-02T13:46:47Z] zagaza I fixed it!!
+ [2015-06-02T13:46:44Z] zagaza benoliver999
+ [2015-06-02T09:45:26Z] zagaza yeah
+ [2015-06-02T09:36:30Z] zagaza thanks for your help though
+ [2015-06-02T09:32:55Z] zagaza such waste of time
+ [2015-06-02T09:31:43Z] zagaza now I get: This link is blocked, or you have triggered an excessive amount of scrapes. If you think you're seeing this by mistake, please let us know.
+ [2015-06-02T09:31:40Z] zagaza my god
+ [2015-06-02T09:26:46Z] zagaza I am getting the correct open graph properties, but it dont show when I post
+ [2015-06-02T09:26:33Z] zagaza
+ [2015-06-02T09:17:49Z] zagaza I tried, didnt work