+ [2015-10-01T23:33:00Z] VxJasonxV majority case*
+ [2015-10-01T23:33:40Z] VxJasonxV an issue will only be closed automatically (if using issue references in commit messages or pull requests) when merged to the default branch of the parent repository
+ [2015-10-01T23:33:46Z] VxJasonxV and of course, it will only be the issue on the parent repository
+ [2015-10-01T23:33:51Z] VxJasonxV again, why issues are disabled on forks by default
+ [2015-10-01T23:34:18Z] VxJasonxV when a parent repository is deleted, the oldest fork (first child) becomes the new parent

message no. 114648

Posted by GunArm in #github at 2015-10-01T21:42:23Z

also I've been playing with this repo https://github.com/dennismagno/metroframework-modern-ui and it doesn't have issues, but it was a fork from the original repo by Viperneo which did have issue tracking (on the right). Then in the last few days, viperneo, the original author, deleted his repo or something. And now dennismango's repo says "forked from peters/winforms-modernui" which is not correct its always said he forked from viperneo, but now vipe
+ [2015-10-02T00:37:57Z] ryao When is github going to support IPv6?
+ [2015-10-02T02:39:36Z] TruPilot Hi all :-)
+ [2015-10-02T02:40:29Z] TruPilot I'm a github newbie and wanted to learn how to clone an existing repository (with history) into a Github repo. Any suggestions on a FAQ I can look at?
+ [2015-10-02T02:42:26Z] TruPilot Ah - never mind - I found https://help.github.com/articles/importing-a-git-repository-using-the-command-line/
+ [2015-10-02T03:10:02Z] somerandomuser Hello, is this >> GIT_COMMITTER_NAME=" " GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL=" " git commit --author=" <>" --allow-empty-message -m " " << no longer valid on git? I'm getting "fatal: empty ident name (for <>) not allowed" on git for windows, however it works fine on debian8.2