+ [2015-10-01T23:33:00Z] VxJasonxV majority case*
+ [2015-10-01T23:33:40Z] VxJasonxV an issue will only be closed automatically (if using issue references in commit messages or pull requests) when merged to the default branch of the parent repository
+ [2015-10-01T23:33:46Z] VxJasonxV and of course, it will only be the issue on the parent repository
+ [2015-10-01T23:33:51Z] VxJasonxV again, why issues are disabled on forks by default
+ [2015-10-01T23:34:18Z] VxJasonxV when a parent repository is deleted, the oldest fork (first child) becomes the new parent

message no. 114652

Posted by VxJasonxV in #github at 2015-10-01T23:33:40Z

an issue will only be closed automatically (if using issue references in commit messages or pull requests) when merged to the default branch of the parent repository
+ [2015-10-02T00:37:57Z] ryao When is github going to support IPv6?
+ [2015-10-02T02:39:36Z] TruPilot Hi all :-)
+ [2015-10-02T02:40:29Z] TruPilot I'm a github newbie and wanted to learn how to clone an existing repository (with history) into a Github repo. Any suggestions on a FAQ I can look at?
+ [2015-10-02T02:42:26Z] TruPilot Ah - never mind - I found https://help.github.com/articles/importing-a-git-repository-using-the-command-line/
+ [2015-10-02T03:10:02Z] somerandomuser Hello, is this >> GIT_COMMITTER_NAME=" " GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL=" " git commit --author=" <>" --allow-empty-message -m " " << no longer valid on git? I'm getting "fatal: empty ident name (for <>) not allowed" on git for windows, however it works fine on debian8.2