+ [2015-10-04T00:23:06Z] balrog-k1n hi, is there a shortcut to updating a fork with changes from the oroigin without downloading all the commits and uploading them back to github?
+ [2015-10-04T00:53:49Z] milki balrog-k1n: you can delete the repo and refork
+ [2015-10-04T00:53:53Z] milki balrog-k1n: other than that, no
+ [2015-10-04T00:55:21Z] balrog-k1n milki: thanks, that's good to know
+ [2015-10-04T00:56:10Z] balrog-k1n is now at 90% into the git push anyway

message no. 114805

Posted by balrog-k1n in #github at 2015-10-04T00:23:06Z

hi, is there a shortcut to updating a fork with changes from the oroigin without downloading all the commits and uploading them back to github?
+ [2015-10-05T01:34:30Z] deathspawn anyone know how to get a local folder to automatically 'git pull' whenever a change is pushed or after a certain amount of time?
+ [2015-10-05T01:37:47Z] Zarthus github has a hook system you can POST to
+ [2015-10-05T01:38:12Z] Zarthus you can verify it comes from github using a secret in the header and by the github IP range
+ [2015-10-05T01:38:35Z] Zarthus but there's also just a cronjob you set to whatever you want
+ [2015-10-05T01:39:06Z] Zarthus s/you can post to/that can post to your server/