+ [2015-10-09T17:20:04Z] RalfJ monkey patching means something has to actually load the module so it can its patching when I do "jekyll build", right? theres no documentatin whatosever in the gem what I have to do to actually use it :-/
+ [2015-10-09T17:27:25Z] jaybe in _config.yml, gems: ?
+ [2015-10-09T17:29:24Z] RalfJ jaybe: ~/.gem/ruby/2.1.0/gems/jekyll-conrefifier-0.5.1/lib/jekyll-conrefifier.rb:137:in `read_collections': undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
+ [2015-10-09T17:29:43Z] RalfJ I think it gets loaded too late, thats why this variable is not initialize. but I have absolutely no idea, never wrote any ruby code^^
+ [2015-10-09T17:30:18Z] jaybe i know little about that code

message no. 115604

Posted by RalfJ in #jekyll at 2015-10-09T16:59:38Z

that bugs looks like exactly what I want! only trouble is, I need it now. oh well...
+ [2015-10-10T10:29:21Z] otherj is there some way to have the css asset be named for a variable rather than taking the name from whatever.scss?
+ [2015-10-10T13:04:43Z] jaybe i don't believe so, by default, no
+ [2015-10-10T13:05:24Z] diyfupeco jaybe, he is long gone. :D
+ [2015-10-10T13:05:36Z] jaybe oh; yup- it's that early
+ [2015-10-10T13:05:46Z] jaybe perhaps i was just uttering to myself