+ [2015-11-15T20:15:39Z] Twirl lol found it
+ [2015-11-15T20:15:54Z] Twirl xD
+ [2015-11-15T20:51:25Z] Ozymandy How to link github repository to repository in sourcetree?
+ [2015-11-15T20:51:50Z] Ozymandy I create repository in sourcetree, but I missed linking to github
+ [2015-11-15T20:54:03Z] apo_ git help remote?

message no. 120036

Posted by manrig in #github at 2015-11-15T09:46:04Z

do_action (wc_create_new_customer( $email, $username, $password );) { wc_add_notice( 'This is a Success notice', 'success' ); ) ?
+ [2015-11-16T04:26:46Z] t4nk500 anyone alive?
+ [2015-11-16T04:27:56Z] Heartmender how do you know what is truly alive?
+ [2015-11-16T04:28:00Z] t4nk500 trying to install github desktop, how do I make it so that it doesn't auto-install under C:\
+ [2015-11-16T04:28:03Z] Heartmender what among us is said to describe life?
+ [2015-11-16T04:28:04Z] t4nk500 also i dunno