latest 8 messages by t4nk500

+ [2015-11-16T04:29:28Z] t4nk500 anyone? :c
+ [2015-11-16T04:28:55Z] t4nk500 death is the lowest point of energy for anything alive
+ [2015-11-16T04:28:32Z] t4nk500 also to clarify C:\ is my root or system folder
+ [2015-11-16T04:28:19Z] t4nk500 although the definition of death is questionable
+ [2015-11-16T04:28:12Z] t4nk500 i think things alive just actively try not to die
+ [2015-11-16T04:28:04Z] t4nk500 also i dunno
+ [2015-11-16T04:28:00Z] t4nk500 trying to install github desktop, how do I make it so that it doesn't auto-install under C:\
+ [2015-11-16T04:26:46Z] t4nk500 anyone alive?