+[2015-11-16T22:36:38Z]PovAddictso what's the convention to do it within the issue tracker's limited features? +[2015-11-16T22:37:21Z]AndChat255521#help +[2015-11-16T22:37:21Z]nedbatPovAddict: i don't know if there is a convention: fallback to english I guess. +[2015-11-16T23:01:38Z]AndChat255521#help +[2015-11-16T23:01:48Z]PovAddictjust ask your question
is there a way to write table rows on multiple lines with markdown ?
+[2015-11-17T00:14:42Z]DanielBakHey guys, I'm a 3rd year CS student with nothing under my belt. Do you have any advice for finding projects to work on? +[2015-11-17T00:14:53Z]PovAddictears perk +[2015-11-17T00:15:02Z]PovAddictDanielBak: what programming languages do you know? +[2015-11-17T00:16:33Z]DanielBakJava, C, Oracle SQL are things I've worked with proffesionally. I know the basics of a few other things. I'd be more than happy to get into some new stuff, though. +[2015-11-17T00:16:54Z]DanielBakOh and PL/SQL.