latest 11 messages by DanielBak

+ [2015-11-17T00:51:22Z] DanielBak OK. I'll take a gander. Thanks a ton!!
+ [2015-11-17T00:35:35Z] DanielBak What teams are you on?
+ [2015-11-17T00:30:23Z] DanielBak KDE is looking pretty interesting, I'll look into it more. Would there be anything I can work on that's at my skill level?
+ [2015-11-17T00:29:00Z] DanielBak I was just hoping for someone to just point at something in particular that might need me, lol.
+ [2015-11-17T00:26:46Z] DanielBak Thanks a ton for the info, btw. I've been pretty lost.
+ [2015-11-17T00:26:37Z] DanielBak Would my contributions be able to be seen easily by employers? Also, how would I go about getting started?
+ [2015-11-17T00:19:15Z] DanielBak Is this it?
+ [2015-11-17T00:17:50Z] DanielBak What is that?
+ [2015-11-17T00:16:54Z] DanielBak Oh and PL/SQL.
+ [2015-11-17T00:16:33Z] DanielBak Java, C, Oracle SQL are things I've worked with proffesionally. I know the basics of a few other things. I'd be more than happy to get into some new stuff, though.
+ [2015-11-17T00:14:42Z] DanielBak Hey guys, I'm a 3rd year CS student with nothing under my belt. Do you have any advice for finding projects to work on?