+ [2015-11-17T23:09:41Z] mcgrof so if I have an mobile device authenticator (Google Authenticator in my case) *and* a yubikey -- what device / thing should I use to push onto my github repos with https:// ?
+ [2015-11-17T23:09:51Z] mcgrof I've tried it all and no go
+ [2015-11-17T23:42:58Z] Impaloo mcgrof: you can't use SSH keys?
+ [2015-11-17T23:43:07Z] Impaloo (doesn't answer the question, sorry)
+ [2015-11-17T23:55:03Z] mcgrof Impaloo: yeah that works, tx, however I guess I expected I'd be prompted for my yubikey token on every push

message no. 120271

Posted by paulo_ in #github at 2015-11-17T19:59:13Z

is there a way to remove that?
+ [2015-11-18T00:03:24Z] _lazarevsky and within that rails app I generated a new ember app
+ [2015-11-18T00:03:30Z] _lazarevsky which by default creates a git repo