latest 10 messages by paulo_

+ [2015-11-17T20:05:23Z] paulo_ VxJasonxV: thanks, you saved my life
+ [2015-11-17T20:00:18Z] paulo_ ok, but I already pushed the commits, can they be reversed?
+ [2015-11-17T19:59:13Z] paulo_ is there a way to remove that?
+ [2015-11-17T19:59:07Z] paulo_ hovering your mouse on the username shows the real name
+ [2015-11-17T19:58:52Z] paulo_
+ [2015-11-17T19:58:51Z] paulo_ hello
+ [2014-08-04T07:02:30Z] paulo_ heh found it
+ [2014-08-04T07:02:17Z] paulo_ clicking on the number beside "fork" doesnt show me
+ [2014-08-04T07:01:42Z] paulo_ how do I see who forked my repo?
+ [2014-08-04T07:01:34Z] paulo_ hello