+ [2015-11-23T22:08:46Z] quarters jaybe: do you mean search for a solution on github or that github is gem/plugin used to work with jekyll to do what I'm looking to do?
+ [2015-11-23T22:09:13Z] jaybe quarters, github hosts static web sites, and jekyll generated sites. github will generate jekyll sites. therefore, you can use github web as a front-end.
+ [2015-11-23T22:09:37Z] quarters ok. thank you
+ [2015-11-23T22:10:05Z] jaybe if your question is about an *elegant* front end/experience that 'normal' every day users/civilians use brainlessly, github, prose.io, etc. are not the solution
+ [2015-11-23T22:10:32Z] jaybe there are some startups out there that are providing 'hosted' jekyll sites and provide a 'front end'/cms type experience

message no. 121170

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2015-11-23T22:07:35Z

quarters, prose.io
+ [2015-11-24T01:37:24Z] zero-gravitas Is there anything like forloop.last that I can use in a Case statement?
+ [2015-11-24T06:31:28Z] Arafangion So, I've written a new markdown page and put it into _posts.
+ [2015-11-24T06:31:43Z] Arafangion But jekyll seems to be ignoring it. (It "generates" something whenever I change it, but it's otherwise ignored.
+ [2015-11-24T06:31:48Z] Arafangion How do I increase the logging?
+ [2015-11-24T06:33:49Z] Arafangion Because all I can say is; "It doesn't work", and that's not terribly useful. I expect to see the new blog page, but I don't.