+ [2015-11-30T23:37:34Z] geri what do you mean?
+ [2015-11-30T23:37:51Z] geri i did a git mv ../basic/ .
+ [2015-11-30T23:37:57Z] geri git commit -m "moved file"
+ [2015-11-30T23:42:24Z] jhass geri: try my command
+ [2015-11-30T23:42:32Z] jhass then check the result with git status

message no. 122814

Posted by sparr in #github at 2015-11-30T01:20:57Z

is there a way in the github ui to navigate back through changes to a single line of code? my current process is to load up blame for the file, click the commit for the line, go to the parent commit, go back to the file and line, load blame again, repeat. this is very tedious.
+ [2015-12-01T01:30:38Z] Bielecki Hello. I want to create repository without putting my source code. I wish a license, whereby it would be allowed to use and share my program, but not modify, fork or use in commercial way. Which license I should choose?
+ [2015-12-01T01:33:08Z] jhass Bielecki: http://choosealicense.com/
+ [2015-12-01T01:35:01Z] Bielecki Yup, I checked that page before, but it didn't helped me. The most suitable I found is No Licence, but there is permitted to use it in commercial way.
+ [2015-12-01T01:35:31Z] jhass no license doesn't permit anyone but you to use it
+ [2015-12-01T01:37:18Z] Bielecki well, no license will allow me to permit others to use it in the way I choose? eg. only in private use?