+[2013-10-19T16:30:14Z]jaybextriz_, re: github; there are no requirements that one has to use github with jekyll. you can choose to, or not. self host or not. etc. jekyll generates static, html web sites. host them where you like. +[2013-10-19T16:31:34Z]xtriz_jaybe, that means i can even create my private website and host it where ever i want right ? +[2013-10-19T16:31:43Z]jaybextriz_, absolutely +[2013-10-19T16:31:48Z]xtriz_awesome :D +[2013-10-19T21:33:02Z]zenon003Hi, how do you guys test generated pages ?
message no. 12305
Posted by xtriz in #jekyll at 2013-10-19T07:48:21Z
IQAndreas, which distro ?
+[2013-10-20T14:06:06Z]cafhackerIs there any interest in native applications to edit jekyll sites? +[2013-10-20T14:06:35Z]jaybecafhacker, basically any markdown editor accomplishes such thing +[2013-10-20T14:07:10Z]cafhackerhow about not on your computer but maybe on your ipad or your android tablet +[2013-10-20T14:07:22Z]cafhackerSure you could symlink your _posts directory into dropbox and use one of those I guess +[2013-10-20T14:08:06Z]jaybesame answer