+ [2016-03-01T18:59:52Z] guest796 I accidentally deleted git directory from home folder in ubuntu. Is there a way to get it back?
+ [2016-03-01T19:00:15Z] whomp and when i try to create a new pr from base to new, and so it finds the existing pr and shows me the diff, the diff is correct. but the actual pr shows the outdated diff instead
+ [2016-03-01T21:23:30Z] jberkus hey, is there a way to specify that I get emails for all new PRs in just one repo?
+ [2016-03-01T21:25:49Z] tobiasvl unwatch all the other repos?
+ [2016-03-01T21:26:00Z] jberkus IFTTT to the rescue, I guess

message no. 125631

Posted by wakeatnight in #github at 2016-03-01T13:53:41Z

+ [2016-03-02T00:18:20Z] c0fe hello
+ [2016-03-02T02:30:40Z] mayankgupta I accidentally deleted git directory from home in ubuntu. Is there a way to recover it?
+ [2016-03-02T07:32:19Z] gtristan Hi... is there a feature I can use for rebasing my forked repo from it's parent ?
+ [2016-03-02T07:36:30Z] gtristan looks like it's documented here: https://help.github.com/articles/syncing-a-fork/
+ [2016-03-02T07:48:16Z] qiqi ls