+ [2016-03-04T21:59:50Z] t4nk157 ?JOIN
+ [2016-03-04T22:25:45Z] pk64 Can anyone tell me why the online text editor on github.com frequently decides to stop typing text? I have to CTRL+A , then click in the window again to type.
+ [2016-03-04T22:25:48Z] pk64 is it a buffer thing?
+ [2016-03-04T23:47:08Z] stephend seems to be a problem with some static assets: https://camo.githubusercontent.com/4ef88bc479ed8fcff86d7e8d82f2f730b4f86325/68747470733a2f2f696d672e736869656c64732e696f2f6a656e6b696e732f732f68747470732f77656271612d63692e6d6f7a696c6c612e636f6d2f616d6f2e70726f642e7376673f6c6162656c3d70726f64
+ [2016-03-04T23:47:22Z] stephend sometimes I get a 200 OK, other times, a 404

message no. 125848

Posted by mryanbrown in #github at 2016-03-04T12:55:41Z

how do i get rid of a project i 'contribute to'
+ [2016-03-05T04:33:17Z] mekhami anyone know why my github pages thing might be 404ing? https://github.com/mekhami/mekhami.github.io this is my repository and i previously used jekyll to publish to it, but now I get a 404 going to mekhami.github.io
+ [2016-03-05T04:34:41Z] codynguyen1116 ah, you put it on the wrong branch
+ [2016-03-05T04:34:50Z] codynguyen1116 the default and main branch for github pages should be gh-pages
+ [2016-03-05T04:35:48Z] codynguyen1116 @ mekhami: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20411849/push-local-master-into-gh-pages-branch-on-github look at the first answer :)